Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Cel Out: The Plot To Kill Cartoons"

by Chris Gore
Also See:

Cinefantastique Vol 24 #1 June 1993
Cinefantastique Vol 26 #6 October 1995
Film Threat #7 December 1992


Trevor Thompson said...

ThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouTHANK YOU!

I was so sorry when I lost this during the move. Now, at least, I have some kind of copy.


- trevor.

Grant Reynolds said...


This magazine was a terrible influence on me as a child! I had all five (?) issues, but eventually lost them in a series of moves.


ArugulaZ said...

Ah, if only we knew in 1993 what we know now...

Guy said...

Why would they be miserable to help John K revolutionize animation? Do you believe they prefer to work on such dreck as what studios put out before Ren & Stimpy greatly improved things for at least a couple decades?